1. Real Estate Agent is an entrepreneur and works for themselves, either independently or for real estate brokerage company.
2. To become successful real estate agent, professional and realistic planning is must. Quality and quantity performance can be achieved, only, if you have strategic planning, which shows who does what and by when.
3. Make business plans that could be a road map to move ahead. Include prospecting, listing strategies, idea for networking, follow up mechanism, posting ad in various ways and means, generating customer referral in the Business Plan
4. Set goals with SMART criteria (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timebound)
5. Conduct real estate market survey focusing on your marketing plan. Spend time for sound marketing plan before entering the market
6. Real Estate is 24 hrs. and 7 days business. Doing business is tough. Agent should know the priority of the business and manage time efficiently balancing professional as well as personal time.
7. Being a real estate agent, prepare budget including marketing cost and additional cost for own capacity enhancement program.
8. Knowledgeable and experienced mentorship will add value in the job